Open Dry Spray Table

Our ODST-Series open dry spray table is one of the popular choices in the industrial painting sector, offering significant flexibility and cost-effectiveness for a variety of spraying needs. Its open design not only saves floor space but also facilitates the easy movement of products and parts. The spray table is constructed from high-quality galvanized steel or stainless steel, providing excellent durability and safety. The precision perforated panel, combined with sturdy nuts and bolts, ensures structural integrity and security. Utilizing an economical cross-flow design, it ensures reliable performance while maintaining an affordable price. The setup easily integrates into existing facilities. Unfiltered air enters from the front, flows horizontally across the booth, and the paint mist then passes into the filtering material at the rear. The booth can be configured with up to four layers of filter media as needed. Equipped with fluorescent lighting for excellent visibility and easy lamp replacement, the high-efficiency filter guarantees outstanding air quality. The filter media is easy to replace and cost-effective, allowing users to only replace the necessary components, thus achieving significant cost savings.
Open Dry Spray Table